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Reducing Film Plastics with Ablitt’s Fine Dry Cleaners

By Deirdre Brannigan:

One of my favorite quotes is from Margaret Meade who stated:

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Our local dry cleaner - Ms. Sasha Ablitt is too humble to promote her own story, so we are proclaiming it far and loud! Ablitt’s Fine Dry Cleaners has been instrumental in tackling the issue of ‘Film Plastics’ within our community. What the heck are film plastics, you ask?!? Well, they are the very thin plastics found in Amazon boxes, plastic bread bags, and the sheaths often found on newly dry-cleaned clothes. Sasha has taken it upon herself (with help from dedicated local non-profits) to collect, sort, and bail these plastics together. She has developed a professional partnership with the Trex Decking company who are using this plastic in their simulated wood decking, and most importantly - completely diverted from the landfill. Sasha is on-track to prevent 16,000 pound of nearly weightless plastic (think about that for a second!), from going to the dump.

Does this sound appealing to you? Maybe your church, business, school, or family would like to start reducing the amount of film plastics that go to the landfill? If so, there are several terrific drop off stations in Santa Barbara. Click here to see a list of drop-off locations, and guidance on what can be diverted. Thank you for helping us all move towards a more Sustainable Future!

See the Facebook clip below in case you missed it, and start following us on social media.

And, please thank Sasha for all her good work!


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