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It’s Time to Celebrate Bike Month!

By Elena Zevallos

May is known nationwide as bike month: a time of raising awareness on the importance and benefits of cycling and ditching our motor vehicles. Last year, while the world was under lockdown, the US saw a sudden spike in bike sales - a 65% increase from 2019, according to the New York Times, elevating nationwide biking at a rate 16% higher than the year before. Clearly, this two-wheel mode of transportation has gained popularity since the start of the pandemic. And individuals have been experiencing the positive health impacts that result from biking: a healthier body, mind, and lungs. These are not the kind of benefits you get from driving in a car!

If you live in Santa Barbara, consider participating in CycleMAYnia - a local cycling event spanning the entire month, with each week highlighting a new theme. The program offers a mix of online and in-person, socially distanced events that include various activities, presentations, and demonstrations to help educate the public on the importance of biking. For example, did you know that studies have shown that biking effectively manages stress, improves blood circulation, and increases longevity? There are plenty more benefits that go along with it too, so I think it’s safe to say that riding around in your two-wheeler is a win-win scenario for both people and planet. That said, why not grab the handlebars and pedal away? It’s cheaper than commuting by car too!


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