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Sustainable Future and Green Businesses

By Deirdre Brannigan:

What is it about business owners that pushes them to make a commitment to take things to the next level? To save water, resources, electricity and reduce their waste? Well, sometimes it is as simple as enacting money-saving principles. Other times it is wanting to do more for the planet.

I attended the SBCGBP Annual Luncheon on March 5th. This anticipated event is a place where businesses from across the county (an area bigger than some east coast states!), come together and celebrate all the amazing things they do to make a difference. It’s impressive stuff.

Sustainable Future was happy to host an informational table there this year, after being the key-note speaker last year. Our organization has spent the last year in a pilot project partnership with the Santa Barbara County Green Business Program. This is noteworthy, as Santa Barbara was the flagship program in Southern California for Green Businesses, and they continue to elevate their programs.

Over this last year, Sustainable Future stepped in to help bring even more exposure to the already successful program! Sustainable Future built custom campaigns for the Santa Barbara County Green Business Program. Using our online platform, businesses were able to log in to compete with other businesses, source great ideas around sustainable paper and other products, be a reservoir for other great ideas, and serve as a resource for their staff as a portal for green businesses to stay connected.

It seems like more and more, customers are seeking out sustainably-sourced products and businesses that use responsible green practices. This isn’t just anecdotal speculation - based upon a recent survey highlighted in the Futerra Report, the Green Business Program found that 88% of consumers surveyed want sustainable options.

Interested in Sustainable Future? Feel free to reach out to Deirdre for more information (via email: to see how your green business can get involved. We’ve been helping construction companies, local bars, accounting firms, healthcare services, video conference providers, and others all connect their teams around issues related to sustainability, wellness, and being businesses with a light footprint. Join us!


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